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Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Bacon Re-Write a Beach Boys Classic

Damn you, Jimmy Fallon and company for overwriting any of the real lyrics to this song. With the help of Kevin Bacon, we were treated to the “first draft” of the Beach Boys classic (although what song of theirs ISN’T a classic) “Fun Fun Fun” where the lyrics were decidedly burger-centric.

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon has always been able to bring us memorable sketches and this one is no exception. Expertly performed and with the proper black and white filter to make it look strikingly similar to the Beach Boy’s original video performance of the 1964 tune. Fallon takes the role of Mike Love while ol’ K-Bacs (I immediately apologize for that nickname, Mr. Bacon) does a great job as Brian Wilson as they sing variations of the real song’s line: “Well she got her daddy’s car And she cruised through the hamburger stand now” with hilarious results.

The result is a song that’s pretty much the version that already lives in everyone’s heads since – besides the chorus – is a line that most people remember. Tweaked in small ways, the first draft eventually tells the story of one hell of a night at what seems to be the best hamburger stand in existence. As far as I’m concerned, Fallon and Bacon’s lyrics are now the official ones to the song and no one will ever be able to tell me any different. Here, listen to the original song and tell me you don’t hear “Burger burger hamburger hamburger burger hamburger stand now”

Also, lets also give the guys some sincere credit for hitting the Beach Boy-esque falsettos!

Better version? Or BEST version? let us burger in the hamburger stand below!

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