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Pickstarter: Jewish Comix Anthology

It’s Michael Chabon’s The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay come to life: Alternate History Comics has launched a Kickstarter campaign to publish the Jewish Comix Anthology.


47 artists including R. Crumb, Will Eisner, Michael Netzer, and Art Spiegelman are contributing classic and newly commissioned Jewish-themed work. R. Crumb offers an illustrated edition of the Book of Genesis and a take on the story of The Golem of Prague; Art Spiegelman’s Maus (the second installment of which was the only graphic novel ever to win a Pulitzer) is a new classic that tells the story of his father’s experience during the Holocaust. Jewish themes and stories have long made for great comics, and just as in Chabon’s magnum opus, it seems Jewish artists have often found a home in that world.

27 of the stories will be new adaptations by contemporary artists. It looks like it’ll be a cool juxtaposition with classic work from veterans like DC and Marvel artist Michael Netzer. Kickstarter backers get lots of cool things like limited edition art work and digital copies of the anthology. Take a look and pledge if you like what you see.

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