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Jeff Goldblum Returns For JURASSIC WORLD Sequel

Jeff Goldblum Returns For JURASSIC WORLD Sequel

“If there is one thing the history of evolution has taught us, it’s that life will not be contained. Life breaks free, it expands to new territories and crashes through barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously, but, uh…well, there it is. I’m simply saying that life, uh…finds a way.”

Those wise words of one Dr. Ian Malcolm still ring true today, as it was just announced that Jeff Goldblum has joined the cast for the Jurassic World sequel.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Goldblum is set to reprise his role as Dr. Malcolm in the forthcoming Jurassic World sequel, joining stars Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard. This will make it his third appearance in the JPU (Can we call it that? Is that a thing yet?) after appearing in 1993’s Jurassic Park and 1997’s The Lost World: Jurassic Park. No word on how large Goldblum’s Malcolm will factor into the next film, but we can imagine he’s probably even more fed up with being right about the dino-mayhem that seems to plague the world despite his best efforts.

We’ve got our fingers crossed that the filmmakers will finally listen to the fan fiction we keep sending in where he and B.D. Wong’s Dr. Henry Wu battle to the death on yet another island where Wu’s made Human/Dino Hybrids. We call it “The Island of Dr. Dineau.”

If not, we’ll settle for this to somehow happen:

Image: Giphy

Kidding aside, we absolutely can’t wait for plot details to trickle out, and we really hope Goldblum’s involvement is more than a mere cameo. The world needs more Ian Malcolm in it and having him and Pratt’s Owen Grady onscreen as much as possible feels like the best move any film could ever make.

What do you hope for the Jurassic World sequel? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Featured Image: Universal Pictures

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