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Jeff Goldblum Comes Face to Face with Himself

Are you ready for Goldblum v Goldblum: Dawn of Resurgence? A new viral video for Independence Day: Resurgence features Jeff Goldblum appearing side-by-side with his ID4 character, David Levinson.

As revealed in the many trailers for the film, Independence Day: Resurgence takes place in an alternate world in which the alien technology from the first Independence Day has transformed military and consumer tech on a vast scale. And apparently, Jeff Goldblum also exists in this timeline with his onscreen doppelganger. But compared to the man who saved the Earth, even Goldblum is considered a minor celebrity.

The video itself is pretty amusing, as Levinson doesn’t quite see his obvious resemblance to Goldblum and he even manages to mistake Goldblum for Dabney Coleman. Perhaps Dr. Levinson needs to get his eyes checked before the next alien invasion, which we hear is just around the corner. For his part, Goldblum hilariously fawns over Levinson’s accomplishments in the War of 1996 and his current status as the director of Earth Space Defence.

Goldblum has been working overtime in his PR push for this film. Last week, he provided an in-character voiceover for a video about the integration of alien and human tech in consumer products which had a few ominous connotations: no one really knows how the hybrid tech works and it seems to be an obvious weapon to use against humanity in the second invasion.

Independence Day: Resurgence will be released on Friday, June 24.

What did you think about Goldblum’s latest ID4: Resurgence video? Let us know in the comment section below!

See the brilliant Mr. Goldblum sing the Independence Day theme song.

Image: 20th Century Fox

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