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Jar Jar Binks Was Booted from STAR WARS’ 40th Anniversary Celebration

Jar Jar Binks Was Booted from STAR WARS’ 40th Anniversary Celebration

Over the past four decades, Star Wars has introduced us to dozens upon dozens of beloved rebels, Jedi, droids, aliens, and even stormtroopers… and also, Jar Jar Binks. Harsh, I know, but at least I bothered to include him in the round-up. You know who didn’t? Star Wars, that’s who.

Today at the 40 Years of Star Wars panel that kicked off this year’s Star Wars Celebration in Orlando, Florida, fans present at the event (plus all of us who were watching on the live stream) were treated to a loving retrospective video of the science fiction franchise’s long legacy of films. Notably, Jar Jar Binks, a prominent and controversial character from the prequel trilogy, did not make a single appearance.

Poor Jar Jar has always been the black sheep of the Star Wars world since his first appearance in The Phantom Menace as the film’s dopey comic relief. While many children adored the character, most adult fans were not so enthusiastic. Despite George Lucas’ insistence that “Jar Jar is the key to all of this,” the Gungan was almost immediately relegated to the background in later films… which, let’s be honest, was probably the right call.


Of course, there is one explanation, which Liam Neeson offered to fans in a video message that he shot while on location. “We’re making a very unofficial movie about Jar Jar Binks and what happened to Jar Jar,” he joked. “Spoiler alert: he did go to the Dark Side.” Well, that proves that theory about how Jar Jar was a Sith lord all along, huh?

What do you think, fellow Star Wars nerds? Should Jar Jar have at least gotten a little bit of recognition in all the nostalgia-fueled montages, or are you happy to be completely rid of him? Tell us all about it in the comments!

Image: Lucasfilm

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