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Japan’s Newest Kit Kat Flavor is Apple Pie and Carrot

It’s finally Spring! Birds are chirping, the sun is shining…well, maybe not on the East Coast but you the idea. In Japan they are definitely getting into the season with the release of a new limited edition Spring flavor for Easter: Apple Pie and Carrot. Obviously when you think of delicious holiday chocolate, apple pie mixed with carrot is the first thing that comes to mind.

Apparently this flavor was created after Japanese customers were asked for their favorite flavor combinations. Stand up if it was you who said your favorite combo was Apple Pie and carrot. Then sit down because we don’t believe you.

Easter Apple Pie Carrot Kit Kat - 03212015

Easter is an ii sutaato, which means “good start” in Japanese and Kit Kat wants to wish all their consumers a good start to the Spring season. The limited edition flavors are collectible and considered lucky in Japan and they’re known for their creative flavors. In the past they’ve released everything from grilled potato to soy sauce flavor.

Leave it to kids to tell the truth, in this video watch school children in Japan give the new Easter flavor a try and see how it goes. I think the first kid knows what’s up.

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