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Japan’s MY LITTLE PONY Cafe Looks Magical

Food is better when it comes in a rainbow of soft, pastel colors. It’s also improved by the presence of characters from My Little Pony. That’s just science. You can get both by traveling to Japan and visiting the new My Little Pony Cafe in Harajuku, Tokyo. The pop-up cafe is the first of its kind, and though I was initially concerned that the set-up would involve miniature ponies wandering around, I’m glad to report that is not the case. There was only a single miniature pony on opening day. The cafe is all about the toys and animated series with themed foods, decor, and merchandise. I want to go there.

The cafe gives fair representation to both the original My Little Pony designs and the current My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic versions of the ponies. Yes, this is important. The menu features items such as chicken and carrot sandwiches, marshmallow banana chocolate pancakes, omelets, and parfaits. Everything is adorned with some sort of pony flair.


As you eat all those colorful snacks, you’re surrounded by stickers, murals, and signs featuring ponies:

The My Little Pony Cafe is open until November 29, and then it will revert back to its usual appearance and menu as Sunday Jam. Follow the cafe on Twitter to raise your adorable media consumption rate by a million percent.

Bronies and pegasisters: How much do you want to visit this cafe? Head to the comments and tell me which menu item looks especially appealing to you.

HT: Mental Floss
IMAGES: @Mimori_suzuko
, @mylittleponyjpn

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