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This Japanese 4D VR Game Allows a Schoolgirl…To Feed You Real Candy

Look, we all knew that when virtual reality came along, it was a matter of time before people started using it to live out their strange and unusual personal desires in public. But who knew that one such desire would be getting fed candy, and that there’d be enough of a desire to have it fulfilled in private and alone that someone would actually make a special headset just for that?

Welcome to the future. And unsurprisingly, you can thank Japan. And Puccho candy.

Thanks to SoraNews24, we know a bit more about this unique bit of headgear. That’s Kanna Hashimoto, a pop idol from the band Rev. from DVL (this loosely means “revolution from dance vocal lesson”), dressed as a schoolgirl in the virtual reality space, where she feeds you candy…while the mechanical arm on the headset mimics her movements and feeds you candy at the same time. You must load the candy first yourself, of course, and seriously wipe the machine down if a friend has used it lately.

While some minds may go in the gutter at the possible ramifications herein, the first thing that comes to my mind is a virtual cat-petting game for people who are allergic, or live in no-pet buildings–have the arm on the headset attach to a piece of artificial fur that mimics the movement of a cat onscreen, and presto! You’ve just monetized the cat video like never before. Because frankly, with only three candy-feeding scenarios in this game, and all of them featuring the same schoolgirl, you’re gonna get bored. This technology has to find different ways to stay relevant.

What mundane task would you like help completing in the VR world? Give them some free ideas in comments, and who knows what’ll happen next?

Images: Puccho

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