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Episode 014: James Bonding

James Bonding #014: DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER with Doug Benson

The Matts are joined by Doug Benson to discuss Diamonds are Forever!

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  1. Jamie says:

    If there’s a list of regrettable movie posters this one needs to be placed quite high:

  2. Lana Wood, who played a Plenty O’Toole in Diamonds Are Forever, is scheduled to appear at the 2014 Mid-Atlantic Nostalgia Convention, Sept. 18-20, in Hunt Valley, Md., at the Hunt Valley Wyndham Hotel. Also scheduled to appear are Piper Laurie, Veronica Cartwright, Angela Cartwright, Lee Meredith, George Lazenby, and more. 

  3. J says:

    Eh, I appreciate the free show, but I still don’t like the trend of the Matt’s + guest watching scenes from the movie rather than talking about it.  Again, Mira interrupts funny and insightful comments to go back to the video.  Listening to people watch a film isn’t really good for an audio show.  They should either commit to doing a commentary track, or limit to a handful of pertinent clips.  I wish they’d go back to the Dr. No ep.

  4. Tanya says:

    Just found out that actress that played Plenty O’Toole (Lana Wood) will be the guest in Winterest Iowa in May for a John Wayne event. I’m not going to the event (John Wayne isn’t my thing), but my mom is going. I’m going to have her take my copy of Diamonds are Forever and see if she’ll sign it for me! It is probably one of my favorite Bond movies, even as cheesy as it is….heck, that’s probably why I like it so much!

  5. Spencer says:

    So when is the next episode?

  6. numfar says:

    For ye of little faith:

    “@slder78: @MattMira So is James Bonding still going on?” // yes Recorded tonight for a release and regular schedule starting next Thursday!”

  7. Rick K says:

    Can we at least get a little something as to why there’s nothing going with this podcast? I love it a lot, and my work days are extra long without the occasional new episode of james bonding.

  8. postboy says:

    why are you spending all your time “writing” for the inferior show @Midnight
    If your heart isn’t in this anymore just quit nobody wants to hear you being forced to complete this series

  9. KingMob says:

    James Bonding will return?

  10. Spencer says:

    When’s the next episode, guys. I need this.

  11. Michael Cooper says:

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE when is the next episode?!?!?!?!?

  12. Stacy says:

    This show is amazing, I can’t wait for Goldeneye, the Bond film I USED to tell everyone was my favourite, now I just shut up and shrug

  13. Kyle says:

    Please come out with the next one and keep going. I watched all the movies right before Skyfall came out and this “BONDcast” reminds me of all the great moments of the movies.

  14. Tyler says:

    We hear the Meltdown show, but it sounds like a bunch of distant drunk yahoos. They’re not terribly distracting.

  15. Daniel A says:

    When’s Goldeneye coming out?

  16. Spree says:

    Just wanted to say thank you and wish you guys a happy new year. Keep up your great work!
    I think that hasn’t been said often enough!

  17. Joshua Bryan Hammack says:

    I have been a way for the holidays, but got to listen to this today. i laughed so hard. I would love Benson back as a guest, and I do think you guys should go through the Bonds once you have finished these movies again… and again… and again.

  18. Nicholas A Nelson says:

    Still loving the podcast!
    I find myself watching this pretty often over the years and still find it entertaining. The changes to vegas, circus circus, the stunt flubs, and sheer cheesiness of it all is quite amusing. I stayed at the LV Hotel when it was the hilton for the ST: experience and DAF in 2008. T

    It may just be me, yet, I have a hard time listening to the witty, intelligent and sharp observations you and your guests make while talking over a long audio clip from the movies you review. I understand you are busy, funny and successful podcasters/comedians but perhaps some shorter audio clips or at least no talking over them. I don’t want to miss what you say or what the audio clip illustrates that you are pointing out to us.

    I understand not every listener is a repeat JB movie viewer like me, but a general to specific description of the part of the movie you are going to discuss is usually more than enough for me to know what you are referring to.

    Not to put too fine a point to it, but “How Did This Get Made” show plays few audio clips and they seem to “review” or “trash” the flims they talk about just fine.

    Still Love the ‘Cast. Keep up the fine job. Goldeneye is a decent JB flick if you can ignore the horrible music 90% of the time and Imagine Pierce 10 years younger.

  19. mikem says:

    “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” – Matt Mira

  20. Catherine says:

    Two enthusiastic Mira dipple-grins up!

    Great podcast guys. Diamonds Are Forever is a classic in my life. It’s so horrible that it’s brilliant. I remember watching this film as an American growing up overseas and was in AWE of the scenery, accents and cars. OH, and the loud acting. God, I love this film ha, ha.

    Needless to say – this podcast link was emailed out my brothers!

  21. Peter Tupper says:

    “The A-Team” blatantly ripped off two moments from “Diamonds Are Forever”, the sherry bit and the throw-the-girl-into-the-pool bit. I think it was even the same episode.

    This is when the franchise got really weird, with this odd combination of 60s mod quirkiness and 70s sleaze, British spy drama and American mob story, not to mention the off-key attempts at American slang.

  22. TH says:

    @M I agree 100% on all counts.

  23. Vince says:

    lol. “I CAN apologize for you people who are stuck under the thumb or ‘Big Brosnan’. rofl. I highly disagree with your hatred of Tomorrow Never Dies – sometimes irrational hatred, it seems – but I enjoy your spirited defense of said criticisms regardless, Matt G. Especially when it yields gems like these : ) Rest assured, while I still love TND, you have thoroughly dented my enjoyment of ALL Brosnan movies, now that I notice, and get bugged by, the wildly varying tonal shifts and deus ex machina gadgets like the saw in the garage. So, count that as a small victory. (I already hated The World is Not Enough and Die Another Day though)

    I still hope that someday, you’ll manage to grab Pierce Brosnan for a podcast – he seems like he’d be a good sport, and Matt G would be professional I’m sure. Maybe try to nab him as a special guest for a live show? If noted thespian, Jon Hamm, can show up for Doug Loves Movies, then Pierce Brosnan can show up for James Bonding!

    Also, you guys – if you were to head up a “Star Bonding” podcast, count me in : ) So long as you hit up the Roger Corman Cult Classic, Starcrash, eventually. Just, if you move onto more “genre friendly” series, stay away from the Twilight Zone – you’ll have to compete with Game Informer’s side “Twilight Highlight Zone” podcast. Which isn’t even a thing they spend a lot of effort on (it’s just 2 of their editors in their spare time), but it’s pretty great regardless.

    Ooh, and Jerry above is right. We need the Ian Fleming impression for every episode, you guys! As Doug said, get it together! You’re running out of episodes! 😀

  24. fan says:

    Benson is a perfect 3rd for this episode. I, for one, would listen to any star wars podcast you two decide to make. Also I would listen to a podcast of just you guys doing British accents.

  25. Spencer says:

    I love this movie more than I should it’s so bad but so much fun. I can’t completely disregard Connery’s view on women just because he gave that check to charity he still thinks it’s ok to hit a woman, which is wrong no matter what. You shouldn’t hit people in general.
    Also Mr Wint and Mr. Kidd really made me love this movie. They’re easily some of the best Bond characters period, up there with Felix Leiter my favorite Bond character.

  26. M says:

    Mira’s views I mean

  27. M says:

    is it me or is Mira kinda a douche sometimes. Gourley is either too nice or doesn’t catch Mira’s dismissive-ness. I don’t like his views on women sometimes too, and not just talking Bond. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

  28. Loanshark says:

    @leveledup i believe the line in the movie was “blow up your pants”

  29. cat jon says:

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  30. Jerry says:

    Was hoping for more of Matt’s Ian Flemming impression, am disappointed.

  31. Nate2764 says:

    Good episode to close the year with. I think this show has taken a bit to find its footing and hasn’t always been well received with its audience. But as a fellow lover of the films, I’ve stuck with it and I’m glad I’ve done so. I constantly find myself responding to comments made as if I’m part of the conversation, which just leads me to wish I had enough of a reputation to be invited on to bond over Bond. Looking forward to seeing what the new year brings out of this show, as I think everyone will agree that times are good when shows entirely devoted to 007 exist.

  32. LevelledUp says:

    I remember “roll up your pants” as a line from my parents and grandparents era. The implication is that the bullshit is getting high on the ground so roll them up so you won’t get them messed up.

    In other words, it’s a way of calling someone a liar.

  33. loanshark says:

    Hell yes!!!