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Jack Gets An All New Spot And Fiery EW Cover For 24: LIVE ANOTHER DAY

We’re just about a month away from the much anticipated return of 24 in Fox’s mini-series event, 24: Live Another Day. The 12-episode run will see Jack chasing down terrorists in London while attempting to stop the assassination of POTUS. Today, the network has released an all new spot for the event:


“I don’t have any friends.”

So it seems now we’re getting a glimpse into some of the twists surrounding the presence of long-time Bauer ally Chloe O’Brian. Is she up to no good? Jack seems to think so, or at least thinks she works for the bad guys. Either way, it’s probably going to lead to some pulse-pounding awesomeness come May.

In addition to the spot, 24: Live Another Day also got a nifty new EW cover starring Kiefer Sutherland doing the whole badass thing with 2 guns and an explosion in the background:


24: Live Another Day premieres May 5th on Fox.

Image: Fox

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