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It’s Tom Lehrer’s Birthday

Tom Lehrer turns 84 today. You’ve heard Chris talk on the podcast about how much of a fan he is of the legendary musical satirist, and how influential he was on Chris’ comedy (especially for Hard ‘n’ Phirm). Many of you are surely fans of the professor as well. It’s hard not to be a fan. As for myself, I still have the vinyl ’60s Lehrer albums on Reprise, and they’re among my prized possessions. So, let’s celebrate with some music….

You know “The Elements,” surely:

But there’s so much more.


This should be an international holiday.

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  1. Bradford Stahl says:

    I was the kid in Boulder, CO who brought the Tom Lehrer record (and Bill Cosby record) for you to sign. Thanks for coming. It was one of the coolest things thats ever happened to me

  2. Bob Mann says:

    I grew up with parents who were Lerher fans, all of us knew every song by heart! That goofy man influenced my warped sense of humor. The Old Dope Peddler, Be Prepared, I Hold Your Hand in Mine~ I still know those songs by heart!
    Please, please do a podcast with him!!

  3. Bob Mann says:

    I grew up with parents who were Lerher fans, all of us knew every song by heart! That goofy man influenced my warped sense of humor. The Old Dope Peddler, Be Prepared, I Hold Your Hand in Mine~ I still know those songs by heart!

    Please, please do a podcast with him!!

  4. CarrieC says:

    I think that would be awesome to have Tom Lehrer on the Nerdist. But on the other hand, it would be hard to book him now that he retired. Oh by the way, thanks to this post I downloaded two of Tom Lehrer albums featuring some of his popular songs.

  5. Three Toes of Fury says:

    Im still hoping big time that Chris works his podcast magic and swings a podcast with Tom Lehrer. Honestly one of my earliest recollections of loving music was Toms bits on electric company…speaking of which, you can add the video for “silent E” to your list:

    many years later i discovered his satirical tunes on Doctor Demento and found something hauntingly familiar about his voice and was blown away to find out he did the tunes on electric company. The guy is a genius. His music is timeless. The Elements song should be required teaching in high school chemistry.

    Thanks for the post! Anything that introduces Lehrer to new folks is a great great thing!

    Peace .n. Poisoning Pigeons in the Park


  6. Sluggo says:

    They only included 50% of New Math. Sad.

  7. Patricia Marvel says:

    Interview this man for your podcast!!!! Number 200 is coming up – he would be the perfect guest on that occasion!

  8. Luke Ski says:

    Tom Lehrer invented the Jello Shot. I wrote a song about it in tribute to him:

  9. David says:


    These videos are amazing!
    Love the Elements song.

  10. Patty Marvel says:

    I first heard Tom Lehrer in my 10th grade Advanced English class. Mrs. Offet played a few tracks to demonstrate what satire was. I was laughing SO loud…but I don’t think any of my classmates were. Ah, well. Mrs. Offet eventually copied the music from the album to a cassette tape (remember the 80s?!?!) for me to enjoy at home. Still love National Brotherhood Week. Since “That Was the Year That Was” is so topical, I’d describe it to people as “The Daily Show” set to music.