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It’s Story Time! Neil Gaiman Reads GREEN EGGS AND HAM

Author Neil Gaiman may be on sabbatical from social media, but he’s still keeping fans updated almost daily with news and delightful ramblings at his blog. You’ll find everything from the latest on the American Gods television show development to answers to fans’ questions. One recent update featured Gaiman reading Dr. Seuss’ memorable “Green Eggs and Ham.”

Why, you ask, would Gaiman record a reading of the rhyming story? He’s helping out with the Worldbuilders Fundraiser to raise money for Heifer International (a non-profit organization focusing on “ending hunger and poverty” across the globe). The fundraiser has stretch goals, and Gaiman agreed to read “Green Eggs and Ham” when Worldbuilders hit $500,000. They have sailed far past that benchmark. Money is raised for charity, Neil Gaiman reads us a bedtime story, and everybody wins.

This video cements my belief that he needs to read more stories. In fact, the grand prize for some raffle some day should be Neil Gaiman reading stories to you by a fireplace. I’d buy at least one hundred entries.

Was listening to this version of “Green Eggs and Ham” worth getting the verses stuck in your head? What else do you want him to read? Comment below….

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  1. Jax says:

    I was actually more excited just to see what [a piece of] Neil Gaiman’s house looked like. Stainless steel appliances? You know what they say, “quality fiction means quality kitchen.” (Nobody says that.)

  2. Le'Ann Allen says:

    He should read the newest Doctor Who script…because we have to wait until freaking August!