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It’s Official: GAME OF THRONES Will Have Flashbacks in Season 5

It’s been long-speculated across these wires and tubes and pixels we call the Internet, but now it seems as though it can finally be confirmed: HBO’s Game of Thrones will flashback to the past of certain characters, series showrunners/creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have confirmed. If you don’t want to know anymore, all ye spoilerphobes out there in the world, our suggestion is to stop reading right meow. Because yes, there are some potential spoilers about to hop aboard this particular Internet article-thing.

The upcoming fifth season of the series is no doubt going to be a polarizing one — what with several of the storylines butting up perilously close to their as-of-now current status in George R.R. Martin’s fifth book of A Song of Ice and Fire. In fact the creators even hinted, strongly — during a Q&A in Spain this week, where the show is currently filming — that there may end up being some The Winds of Winter spoilers in the series itself. So just prepare yourself for that eventual kerfuffle.

What was officially confirmed, though, was the fact that we’re going to be going back — way back — into the lives of some of our major characters. More likely than not that will involve a Young Cersei and the as-yet-unseen Maggy the Frog, who’ve been rumored to have been cast over the summer. It would also be a nice way to line up Charles Dance’s assertion that he will not be “totally missing” from the fifth season. Considering what we know is set to happen with Cersei this year, no doubt examinations of critical moments in her relationship with her father would be mighty helpful to really making her fifth season storyline that much more poignant.

So, what say you? Down with a little bit o’ flashbacking? Let us know in the comments.

HT: Watchers on the Wall

Image: HBO

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  1. I’m all about the flash backing.  More story is more story, so I’m happy have characters fleshed out before their “present time” story moves forward.  Also, I miss Dance already.