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IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY Meets STAR WARS in a Truly Absurd Mash-Up

You know what happens when the internet is left to its own devices? Hilarious nonsense, that’s what. Which is exactly why we’re enamored by this Reddit-created bit of mash-up silliness, It’s Always Sunny in Tatooine. And in case you couldn’t tell from the title of the post (or the title of the mash-up), it combines the worlds of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and the Star Wars prequel films. Not even Dayman could protect you from wee baby Anakin, killer of all the Jedis—he’s a total Nightman. Ahhh-aaahhh-aaaaaaahhhhh!

But what you would use to protect yourself from his particular brand of Force? Do you agree that, obviously (obviously!), Jar Jar Binks is the Charlie of this whole shebang? Have any ideas for what the rest of the episode would look like? Do we think there’s a way we can get the cast of It’s Always Sunny to actually make this (just because)? Let us all dive deep into this beautiful rabbit hole, together, in the comments below!

HT: Reddit
Image Credit: LucasFilm

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of The Nerdist. Find her on Twitter being pretty silly (@alicialutes) if you’re a glutton for punishment.

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