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Is Steven Spielberg’s HALO Show Headed To Showtime?

The last major bit of news we heard regarding the upcoming Steven Spielberg produced Halo series for Microsoft Studios was a rumor that Neill Blomkamp was in talks to direct the pilot. Since then, things have been rather quiet on the live-action Master Chief front. That is until today, thanks to Variety, who claims there may now be a major partner working with Microsoft on the series.

Until now, word was the series would be premiering exclusively on X-Box, but now it seems negotiations are taking place that would see episodes air first on Showtime, then follow on X-Box with enhanced interactivity functions implemented for system users. According to the report, the reason the deal for the series has taken so long is because both media entities are essentially writing a whole new rule-book regarding series development and ownership.

What do you guys think? Would you want to see a Halo series on Showtime?

HT: Variety

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  1. Pedak says:


    Master Chief is a lumberjack in the Pacific Northwest.

  2. TJ Heesch says:

    DEFINITELY! Showtime has been on a roll with their series so far and there was a huge void left behind when “Dexter” ended. And, from what I read online, Showtime was the first one offered and the first one to reject proposals for “Mad Men”, “True Blood” and “The Walking Dead”…(can you imagine how awesome TWD would have been on unedited, uncensored cable)…so, i would LOVE to see them close this deal and bring the show to life…

  3. shawn says:

    I am down with showtime, at least that way I have a chance of watching it. I don’t see myself buying an xbox anytime soon.