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What Iron Man’s New Armor Means for INFINITY WAR

Warning: There are potential spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity War! 

You know an Avengers movie is close when Entertainment Weekly is dropping the variant covers like candy. This time, the team at EW outdid themselves with 15 variants which depicted over a dozen heroes and one Mad Titan. Perhaps the most intriguing image belonged to Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark, who showed off his new armor for the first time. Today’s Nerdist News is examining Iron Man‘s updated model and what it means for Infinity War.

Join host Jessica Chobot as she guides us through the finer points of Iron Man’s Bleeding Edge armor. This is one of Stark’s most advanced designs to date. Stark’s new suit is weaved on to his body with nanobots, much like Black Panther‘s Shuri-designed costume. However, the Bleeding Edge armor can go even further by using the nanobots to build almost any component or weapon Stark needs at any given moment.

Remember when Stark’s armor couldn’t really function in space or even in the upper atmosphere? We think the Bleeding Edge armor not only fixes the flaw, but it may also take him to Titan. That’s Thanos‘ homeworld, and our theory is the trailer has already shown us a battle between Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Thanos which went very badly for our heroes. Even the Bleeding Edge armor may not be enough.

There’s also a chance Stark will use the Bleeding Edge armor to save Spider-Man’s life and send him back to Earth when Thanos calls down a moon from the sky. It would definitely be a memorable exit for Downey after ten years of MCU movies. But we already know Stark will appear in the still untitled fourth Avengers movie. One way or another, we’ll see Iron Man at least one more time after Infinity War.

What do you think about the first glimpse of the Bleeding Edge armor? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

Images: Marvel

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