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Ireland Has 250-Foot GAME OF THRONES Tapestry Featuring Every Episode

This Sunday, Game of Thrones’ penultimate season will wrap up and leave us dying (not as literally) for the final, six-episode season to arrive. But even after it’s gone, George R.R. Martin‘s epic fantasy series turned TV show is going to be remembered for elevating the genre with its unforgettable characters and twists. It’s already immortalized in the very place much of it was shot — we’ll be able to relive Game of Thrones’ most memorable moments with a 250 foot-plus tapestry in Ireland.

Via Entertainment Weekly, every episode of Game of Thrones has been incorporated into an incredibly impressive tapestry, on display in Northern Ireland at the Ulster Museum in Belfast. According to, the tapestry was created to celebrate the series, which has been partially filmed in Ireland since the very beginning. Almost every major moment from the story has been accounted for, from Ned Stark’s untimely fate at the Sept of Baelor, to the Red Wedding, and even the Battle of the Bastards.

A new section of the tapestry has been added for every episode of season, including this sequence that depicts Lady Olenna Tyrell’s final moments and the Lannister army’s disastrous battle against Daenerys and her dragon:

Each illustration was hand drawn before being recreated digitally to map out a weaving guide. From there, expert weavers used a Jacquard loom while incorporating Northern Ireland linen and the fabrics/textiles from the show’s costumes. It’s straight-up majestic, but you don’t have to travel to Ireland to appreciate its beauty. The entire thing can be seen on, along with a selection of music from the series and context for each scene.

What do you think about the Game of Thrones tapestry? Weave your thoughts in the comment section below!


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