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The Internet’s Best Reactions to the iPhone X Announcement

Well, it’s that special time of the year again. No, we’re not talking about the summer months changing over into autumn (although Nerdoween is nigh!). We’re talking about the remarkable time of year when millions of people look at their recently purchased Apple products with all the disdain in the world because there’s now an even newer device on its way. That’s right! The iPhone X just got announced!

Like all Apple products, the iPhone X promises to bring things to a whole new level. Based on the video, the model does actually appear to have some impressive new bells and whistles. Of course, it also has a few that seem a bit… let’s say… lackluster. We’ll never turn down a phone with stronger glass or with one less button to break, and we’re certainly on board with the capabilities of the A11 bionic chipset. However, relying on your face to unlock the phone, animated emoji, and augmented reality seems… well… how about we just let the internet let you know how they feel about the new phone?

A deep dive into twitter shows that there are some concerns with the facial recognition. We might as well start with the king of the internet, George Takei (and the viceroy of GeoCities, Dan Casey).

Of course, many were a bit rattled by the new iPhone X has a $999 price tag…

Will you be buying the new iPhone? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: Apple

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