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Nerdist Special Reports

Interview: TOMORROWLAND’s George Clooney, Brad Bird, and Britt Robertson

The cavalcade of high-profile, sci-fi films taking over movie theaters across the land continues this weekend with the release of Brad Bird’s hotly anticipated Tomorrowland. The film pairs a boy genius-turned-cynical adult (George Clooney) and a brilliant but rebellious young girl (Britt Robertson) together in a life-or-death race against time to uncover the terrible secrets behind Tomorrowland. What is Tomorrowland, you ask? Well, by all accounts it looks like a retro-futuristic utopia, but even retro-futuristic utopias have their secrets…

Rather than spoil the film’s twists and turns for you, though, I chose a different tactic when speaking with George Clooney, Brad Bird, and Britt Robertson. At a recent Los Angeles press day, I caught up with the cast and crew to talk about the wild world they created, their earliest memories of the actual Tomorrowland, and which piece of the film’s future-ready technology they’d want the most. Most importantly, find out why George Clooney is staring at the camera like that.

Tomorrowland is in theaters now.

What piece of Tomorrowland tech would you want most? Let us know in the comments below.

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of 100 Things Avengers Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die. You can follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).

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