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International Space Station Crew Gets Special Sneak Peak at THE MARTIAN

Normally we’d chalk this story up as another example of celebrities getting special treatment, but this time we’re going to have to give it a big stamp of approval. Why? Because actual astronauts aboard the International Space Station got their own special screening of Ridley Scott’s newest movie, The Martian starring Matt Damon, right out there among the stars.

Crew members Kjell Lindgren and Scott Kelly both tweeted out a photo of the viewing, with Kelly mentioning that his year in space is part of the preparation for an actual manned mission to Mars.

We’ve been eagerly looking forward to this movie here at (I mean, the trailer has a line where an astronaut says, “I’m gonna have to science this shit out of this,” so obviously we’re all in), and this special screening is a pretty cool way to keep us looking forward to the October 2nd release.

This isn’t the first time the crew of the ISS watched a catastrophe set in space. They also viewed the Sandra Bullock/George Clooney film Gravity.

While obviously very cool, I can’t help but wonder if watching movies about astronauts abandoned in space is the best idea for mission morale. I mean, I’m not even an astronaut and that scares the crap out of me. Although, I guess it could be worse, they could have watched Aliens.

If you were an astronaut, what film would you most like to watch while floating weightlessly? What film would you most want to avoid? Send your best ideas into orbit in the comments below.

HT: People

Image: 20th Century Fox

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