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Inked Wednesday #95 – STAR WARS Sleeves, Sandman, and More

If you’re near Richmond, Virginia and looking for a tattoo artist, may I point you in the direction of Matt Brotka? He’s been tattooing since 1997, and sent me a couple of photos of his work—which led to me becoming immediately engrossed in his portfolio. Not all of his work is nerd-centric, but it is all colorful with subtle shading and vivid details. Please admire two galactic examples of Matt’s work with these Star Wars pieces:

The elaborate ink above featuring all the baddies was done on a leg.

The below art focuses on fan-favorite Boba Fett; you can see the twin suns of Tatooine in the background.

Hit up the gallery below to see more tattoos that are not related to Star Wars. You’ll see a Friday the 13th cover-up design, a beautiful cityscape with a robot reading, a gorgeous Sandman piece with Death and Morpheus, and a dinosaur. If your eyeballs long for more of Matt’s work—and they should—follow him on Instagram.

Would you like to see your body art in Inked Wednesday? That’s perfect because I’d love to include it. Send me pictures of your tattoos inspired by pop culture, science, whatever. Leave links to photos of your ink in the comments, tag or mention me on Instagram (no direct messages, please), or send pics to me on Twitter. Finally, you can email me at alratcliffe at yahoo dot com. Please let me know the name of your tattoo artist so I can include credit for him or her–you never know, maybe someone else will be amazed by your ink and will want to make an appointment with your artist.

Images: Matt Brotka


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