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Inked Wednesday #90 – JESSICA JONES Kilgrave Cat and More

For a while, I thought it was going to be difficult to top the Ewok in a TARDIS from last week’s Inked Wednesday (in fact, I’m still giggling over the idea of a Doctor Ewok). But then I received a submission that stands on equal footing, and can all be summed up in the following question: What if David Tennant’s Kilgrave from Jessica Jones was a cute kitty instead of a total creep? It would have made the Marvel series quite different, that’s for sure. The concept might be… out there, but it totally works as an adorable tattoo:

Kilgrave as a cat (Jessica Jones) | Source: Rhia O’Reilly, cat art by Cassie Murphy, tattoo designed and inked by Keely Rutherford at Jolie Rouge

Rhia adores Tennant, so she’s immortalized him on her skin in this form. I think it’s fabulous.

There aren’t any more cats in this week’s gallery o’ geeky ink—I know, it’s a travesty—but there are still awesome tattoos to behold. Just scroll down! You’ll find Harley Quinn and The Joker, some LEGO tattoos, and a super creative take on The Simpsons.

Do you have tattoos inspired by pop culture, science, or something nerdy? I want to see them so I can include them in a future Inked Wednesday roundup. You can share them with me by leaving links to pics of your ink in the comments, tagging or mentioning me on Instagram (no direct messages though, please), or sending photos to me on Twitter. You can even email me at alratcliffe at yahoo dot com. Don’t forget to let me know the tattoo artist who did the work so I can share credit because maybe someone else will be inspired by your ink.


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