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Inked Wednesday #79 – STAR WARS Cards Tattoo, HARRY POTTER, and More

As I round up reader submissions for Inked Wednesday each and every week, I can’t help but be dazzled by the variety of Star Wars tattoos I see. Symbols, characters, vehicles, quotes–all of it adorns the skins of fans. Instagrammer sregan82, a.k.a. Scott, has a particularly awesome and unique design he shared with me. He took the concept of a playing card and inserted Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, a colorful galaxy background, and spaceships. Look how gorgeous:

The tattoo was designed and inked by Frankie Baker at Oxblood Ink. You can look at the photos below to see the sketch of the Vader-Luke card and in progress pictures of the tattoo. I’m not sure if it was completed in one session or not. It’s rad to see the colors build up around the card. I’m floored by the amount of detail on the ships and by the shading used on the border of the card–he made it look almost like parchment.

Jump down to the gallery below to see more Inked Wednesday submissions. You’ll find ink from Elf, Thrilling Adventure Hour, and more Star Wars. I promise I don’t seek out a million Star Wars tattoos every week; readers just happen to send that many to me.

I want to see your nerdy tattoos! You can drop links to pics of your permanent skin art in the comments, tag or mention me on Instagram (direct messaging makes it a little tricky for me to save the image), or send me photos on Twitter. You’ll be my favorite if you let me know the tattoo artist who did the work. And speaking of, feel free to share your creations if you’re a tattoo artist.


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