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Inked Wednesday #41 – PRINCESS MONONOKE, LEGEND OF ZELDA, & More

The Stark house words are eventually right. Winter is coming, but all I can think about right now is summer. When I was younger, I kept my eye on the warmest season because summer meant no school. But now? Summer centers around Comic-Con International in San Diego. It’s hitting early this year, and my June and July schedules are built around the convention. As I was creating my planning spreadsheet for this year’s con, I had an idea. If you’re going to be at Comic-Con and have a geeky tattoo, give me a shout in the comments or on Twitter and we’ll try to meet up so I can take a picture of your ink for Inked Wednesday. Then I can run a special Comic-Con edition of the gallery.

But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. We still have lots of geeky ink to appreciate between now and then. This week’s tattoo round-up includes Princess Mononoke, Bender from Futurama, Kaepora Gaebora from Legend of Zelda, and much more. Take a look:

Princess Mononoke | Source: Zach Dominguez, inked by Michael Ruthem at Diamond Body Art

I’m always looking for more tattoos, so please share pictures of your ink with me! You can leave links to images in the comments or simply send them to me on Twitter. Don’t forget to let me know the name of your tattoo artist.


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