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Inked Wednesday #21 – GHOSTBUSTERS, STAR WARS, Dinosaurs, & More

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Let’s talk about art. When you prepare for your time in the tattoo chair, do you provide art or let the tattoo artist come up with his or her own design? Whether you’re getting quotes, symbols, or elaborate sleeves, the images have to come from somewhere. I’ve seen ink based on comic books (illustrations by Skottie Young seem to be a popular choice), logos, and concept art. I’ve also drooled over plenty of original designs. What do you go for when you get tattoos? Tell me in the comments but not before you flip through this week’s Inked Wednesday first. It’s packed with original art from Star Trek, Disney, and more.


Star Wars half sleeve | Source: Josh Bodwell

Have geeky ink you’d like to see feature in a future Inked Wednesday round-up? Share links to photos in the comments or send pictures to me on Twitter. Please include artist information.

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  1. Anna says:

    Check out Chris Labrenz at He is a tattoo artist out of Edmonton, Alberta and he does fantastic work on all things geeky and nerdy 🙂 

  2. Stacy says:

    (My tattoos) Deadpool: Original image artist: Exoro Designs Tattoo artist: Kana Burns Hollywood Stars Tattoo Harley Quinn: Original image artist: Christine (xryss on DeviantArt) Tattoo artist Kana Burns Hollywood Stars Tattoo Not all those who wander are lost in Gallifreyan Tattoo artist Kana Burns Hollywood Stars Tattoo

  3. manny , @MFombellida says:

    Sent you a bunch b of geeky tattoos i have had done on me over tge kast 2 years