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In GAME OF THRONES S6, Ramsay Bolton Will Become a More Serious Bastard

Ramsay Bolton will castrate you for fun, rape your childhood friend while making you watch, and release the hounds in a manner even Mr. Burns would find unconscionable. But on Game of Thrones, even a thoroughly terrible human being can find redemption. Jaime Lannister, after all, was a backstabbing, evil sister-banging, child-injuring, name-calling rich douche, but after he lost his hand, saved Brienne, and set Tyrion free, we can’t really hate him any more. And the Hound was an ugly bully prone to preemptive murder, but we loved watching him defend Arya Stark. Is it possible, then, that the single most terrible human being on the show thus far could be redeemed?

Probably not, says actor Iwan Rheon, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. While he will, “do loads of different things and show sides to Ramsay that you haven’t seen before,” none of them sound good, as he describes the younger Bolton as “a complete scumbag. But I find that quite fun. He’s a fun character to play. Obviously some scenes are disgusting and I dreaded doing them. But in this kind of environment [on the set] it doesn’t feel like you’re actually doing it, you’re playing it, so it doesn’t ever become too much. What’s difficult is, as an actor, you still need to understand him in order to make it truthful and to empathize with him.”

Instead, the changes will be to his strategy. “Ramsay is quite tactical though, too – and you’ll see that in this season,” says Rheon. “You’ll see him change a bit, and take his responsibilities more seriously.” And daddy Roose is not going to be pleased that he let Sansa and Theon escape, either.

Fortunately for Rheon, fans nowadays don’t tend to confuse actors with their characters on TV shows so much. “Nobody’s been spitting at me on the street,” he says.

Maybe they just fear for the fate of their male parts if they did.

Speaking of things you’d miss, here are some things you definitely/maybe missed in the new trailer:

Are you anxious to see the newer, more tactical Ramsay? Tell us below.

HT: Entertainment Weekly
Image Credit: HBO

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