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HYRULE WARRIORS Gets a Release Date and a Batch of New Images

The Zelda/Dynasty Warriors mash-up game, Hyrule Warriors, finally gets a release date. The only thing is, it’s for Japan. Gamers in the archipelago country can pick up the title when it hits shelves on August 14. Though it hasn’t been confirmed that those stateside and in the EU will even get the hack-and-slash action game, here’s to hoping we’ll see it just in time for the holiday season. Perhaps a Wii U Hyrule Warriors bundle, anyone?

In the meantime to tide us over, in a recent issue of Famitsu magazine, we get to see just how well the collaboration between Nintendo and Dynasty Warriors series developer, Tecmo Koei, has been going. Take a look at some screens below:

The game is set in the Legend of Zelda universe with the familiar hack-and-slash experience of the Dynasty Warriors games. Personally, I feel the match is perfect since I spent the majority of time in Hyrule cutting grass and breaking pots anyways. At least now I can get a sword-beatdown high knowing that I’m slicing to bits the baddies of Hyrule.

As shown in the images above, we won’t just be filling in the shoes of the famed hero Link, but also as the badass Impa, Zelda’s bodyguard. There are more characters that you can choose from, but we’ll have to wait and see who will make an appearance. Hopefully the list of characters is long because the game does feature a two-player mode.

Which characters would you like to see in Hyrule Warriors? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Game Revolution ; Siliconera

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  1. Dipnderps says:

    Princess Ruto, Derunia (im sure i spelled that wrong), maybe even Saria id love to play as a little kokiri slaughtering hordes of baddies

  2. Raikoh says:

    I guarantee “Hyrule Warriors” will be available for the US and EU. Why else would Nintendo mention the game in a global Nintendo direct if it was for Japan only?

    As for the characters, I would like to see Majora’s Mask (Wrath form) and Ghirahim as playable characters. 

    • Alex says:

      Not to mention they have a Western logo out already. Also, the title is absolutely Hyrule Warriors at this point. No need for quotes.

  3. Theodore says:

    Fierce Deity, Zora, Goron, and Deku Shrub Links.