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Hydraulic Press Inception Destroys Hydraulic Press Destroys Hydr…

The Hydraulic Press Channel has not been in our lives for very long — we have trouble remembering a time before it — but already we have reached the meta inevitability of its very existence: using a hydraulic press to crush….insert dramatic pause…another hydraulic press.

That’s right, this Inception style display (which the husband and wife duo behind the videos themselves called “Pressception”) doesn’t simply crush one hydraulic press with a larger hydraulic press, but like a dream within a dream within a dream uses a Russian doll-style system of putting ever smaller hydraulic presses inside of a larger one, as each ends up on the shores of Leonardo DiCaprio’s subconscious…or something like that.

If there is any disappointment here it’s that rather than just turn on the biggest one first and watch as each hydraulic press beneath it was destroyed, they crushed them one at a time using the next biggest machine. They put four hydraulic presses into the set up, from a tiny, mouse sized one in the innermost position, to two hand-cranked ones moving out from there until they reached the normal industrialized machine commonly seen in these videos.

People in the comments had been asking them to do just this, and they were happy to oblige. My concern is where do we go from here? This is the post-modern nadir of needless hydraulic press destruction. “When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.”

I am really into this channel, yes, why do you ask?

Okay, how can they top this? What should they crush next? Put your ideas under here in the comments section.

Images: Hydraulic Press Channel

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