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Hugh Jackman Recording Sound for LOGAN is Intense

Hugh Jackman Recording Sound for LOGAN is Intense

We’re not exactly going out on a limb saying Logan was intense. The story, the action, the emotional weight, it was unlike any other X-Men movie we’ve ever seen, and really unlike any superhero movie that’s ever been made before. And we know just how taxing it was on its star, since Hugh Jackman told us how he Logan’ed so hard he actually passed out during one take. But even still, we had no idea just how committed he truly had to be to pull off his performance. Until today, when Wolverine himself shared an amazing short clip of him recording sound for the movie.

In a scene that was shown in trailers (so don’t worry about any spoilers), Jackman records his grunting, running, thrusting, and slashing as he hunts down a litany of soldiers through the woods, in what was one of our favorite moments from the entire movie. It was pure Wolverine, and you can understand why just from watching this.

Oh my god. We’re exhausted just watching him. That’s some high level, high energy effort just to produce the sound. What must it have been like on set when he was really in the moment? Did people get hurt? Is Hugh Jackman actually the Wolverine?

Yes. He always will be to us. It’s so easy to see why in this video too. Few actors have ever owned a role the way he did as Logan, and he even waited until his final outing for his best version of him yet.

What did you think of this clip? What did you think of Logan? Claw your way into our comments section below and tell us your thoughts.

Featured Image: 20th Century Fox

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