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Learn How Words Are Added to the OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY

In 2017, the planet has more creative outlets than ever before. From YouTube to blogs to social media, almost everyone in the world has a chance to express their voice. With that comes new ideas and new words. Each year, over 1,000 words are added to the Oxford English Dictionary. First reported over on Laughing Squid, this Ted-Ed video gives a great look on not only how words make it into the dictionary, but how they are created as well.

What was not surprising about this video was how much science and technology drive many of the new words added each year. Each new innovation created, whether it’s from someone on their vlog to Elon Musk has to be called something, right?

The amount of derivation English has from other languages and cultures was another great point made in the video. It just goes to show how much of a melting pot this country really is, without us really thinking about it.

Sometimes, English doesn’t even HAVE to derive from other countries. Sometimes, words are just too perfect that regardless of where you are, their meaning is still the same. When it comes down to it, what world would YOU want to replace machismo, anyway?

You can check out more Ted-Ed videos on their YouTube channel here.

Are there any words you use that you wish were included in the Oxford English Dictionary? Are there any words that you wish people would just STOP using? Let me know on Twitter @donnielederer or sound off in the comments below.

Image: Ted-Ed

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