Warning: I’m going to be talking about details from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, so if you don’t want to hear anything about the movie before you see it, turn back now!
Entertainment Weekly revealed the cover of their specialized Rogue One issue yesterday, letting us know that we will absolutely be seeing Darth Vader in the new film. While that news is amazing, it only prompted further questions, namely: what exactly will Darth Vader’s role be in the new film? Obviously he’s a key figure for the Empire, but how would that translate into Rogue One? Thankfully, Entertainment Weekly was here to answer that one, too. Today, they gave us a bit more info on our favorite Sith frenemy.
First up, we know we’ll get to hear Vader speak, and 85 year-old James Earl Jones will be reprising his role as the Sith Lord’s voice. As for screen time, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy says we won’t be getting that much Vader. This may be by necessity; because of the story’s place in the Star Wars timeline, we’re only 19 years out from Anakin Skywalker’s final moments in Revenge of the Sith. At this point, Vader isn’t so much of a front-and-center figure in the Empire, but rather “the muscle [and] the fixer” (as EW puts it) who works in the background. In fact, the Rebels will hardly even know about Vader during the events of Rogue One.
That said, director Gareth Edwards suggests that Vader casts a long shadow in his circles. He tells EW, “There’s definitely an underlying feeling that there is a power – a dark power – available to the Empire and that if you overstep your mark, you will suffer the consequences.â€
Of course, we all know where Vader’s story leads, so Kennedy promises that when he does finally come onscreen, it’ll be a big deal. As she tells EW, “at a key, strategic moment, he’s going to loom large.” More than that, he’s going to be at odds with the films Big Bad, Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn), as both men are vying for a position as Palpatine’s right hand man. Krennic is a military man who believes in structure and chain of command, while Vader is basically a huge wild card who plays by his own rules. Krennic spends a lot of time trying to figure out why Palpatine likes Vader so much, and how he can get himself in Palpatine’s good graces over Vader.
So while we won’t be seeing tons of Darth Vader in Rogue One, it looks like he’ll be a pretty huge looming figure behind the scenes, and a huge storm waiting for Director Krennic. It also feels like this will be a much more badass introduction of one of film’s most iconic villains than his infamous, “NOOOOOOOOO!” from Revenge of the Sith.
What do you think of Vader’s presence in Rogue One? Do you think he should be in the movie more, or do you like using him in the film in limited, strategic ways? How do you think we’ll see him interact with Krennic in the film? Give me your theories and thoughts in the comments!
Images: 20th Century Fox/Lucasfilm