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HOUSE OF CARDS Teaser Threatens to Give Americans What They Need

HOUSE OF CARDS Teaser Threatens to Give Americans What They Need

Warning: spoilers for earlier seasons of House of Cards ahead. We won’t break the fourth wall, though.

Frank Underwood, the president no one asked for, is trying to earn your vote. Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright return as the most damaged, powerful people in the world on May 30 for a fifth season of Netflix’s flagship series.

After a third season that showed the hollowness of achieving power for power’s sake, and a fourth season that saw President Underwood live through an assassination attempt, he now faces the character assassination that’s been looming over him since he murdered Zoe Barnes.

GOP presidential candidate Will Conway (Joel Kinnaman) and his wife Hannah (Dominique McElligott) are a younger, hungrier version of the Underwoods, and Conway’s lead in the race is so formidable that the Underwoods have turned to terrifying their own citizens with the threat of total war against the terrorist group ICO. The last time we saw their faces, the Underwoods addressed the nation following the “Islamic Caliphate Organization” beheading of Jim Miller–the patriarch of a sweet family who was kidnapped outside a Denny’s in Knoxville, Tennessee–and then both he and Claire gave us a creepy stare down.

President Underwood promised the American people, “We don’t submit to terror. We make the terror.” Nothing too tragically human that he can’t exploit for his own gain. Now, ICO and the abject fear of being killed simply for grabbing a Grand Slam breakfast could put a tough-talking Underwood back in the White House.

That is, if all of his crimes don’t catch up with him.

Drawing again from real-world political entanglements (hat tip to the “Never Underwood” signs), the new teaser trailer makes Underwood’s pitch clear: Americans are whiny children, mewling and puking with no understanding of what we really want, which is why we need Underwood to wipe our asses and give us whatever we never knew we craved. Theoretically that’s more smoke breaks and cyanide-tinged monologues.

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