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Hot Money, Angry Termites, German Swearing, Net Addicts? “4 Points”

Dana Gould, whose podcast you might want to sample, is this week’s guest on the Nerdist Channel’s 4 Points with Alex Albrecht, co-hosted as usual by Alison Haislip, with Just Cos‘ Chloe Dykstra in the Nerdist chair.

Topics this week? How about the guy who hid $15,000 in the oven only for his wife to accidentally cook it? Or suicidal termites wielding chemical weapons? A German swearing hotline? Or what parents can do about “Internet-addicted” teens? Yeah, that’s plenty.

Subscribe to the Nerdist Channel before the termites come for you.

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  1. my_leisure says:

    Oh and for people curious about the last 4 seconds…the song is called Gangnam Style by PSY and the video is amazing.

    (I found out about it by following Alison on the Twitters)

  2. my_leisure says:

    My mom’s big trick was to take the dial off the cable box or my controllers for my NES.