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Horror Happenings: Tom Cruise Signs on for THE MUMMY

Today we’re covering the spectrum of horror, from sleazy slasher to classic monsters and movie stars. Let’s dive into Horror Happenings!

Slasher Favorite Pieces Coming to Blu-ray!

For fans of classic exploitation cinema comes very good news: in just a few weeks, a 3-disc deluxe Blu-ray of the cult classic Pieces can be all yours. Hitting stores on March 1 from Grindhouse Releasing and reappearing in a handful of cinemas cross the US, Pieces is the slasher story of a psychopathic killer stalking a Boston college campus. Sexy coeds don’t stand a chance as the violent killer collects body parts from his victims to create a likeness of his dearly departed mother — whom he happened to brutally murder when he was ten years old. And we thought Norman Bates had mommy issues…

The definitive hi-def set promises to be the ultimate for slasher fans and the first 3,000 people who order receive a very limited edition Pieces jigsaw puzzle with their purchase! The set also features the original uncensored director’s cut, the original soundtrack remastered from the original studio tapes, and lots more. Fans can pre-order via Diabolik DVD and Amazon. For more information on Grindhouse Releasing, the Pieces Blu-ray release, and theatrical screenings, visit their website.

Don’t miss the film that friend of Nerdist Eli Roth calls, “One of my top horror films of all time!” and “[a] masterpiece of early ’80s sleaze.”

Tom Cruise and Sofia Boutella Officially On Board Universal’s The Mummy

From one corner of the genre world to the complete opposite, we’ve got a major update on Alex Kurtzman‘s reboot of the Universal monster classic The Mummy. A few months ago it was rumored that Tom Cruise was being courted to star in the new Mummy movie and perhaps play a character who is important to all of the proposed movies in the shared monster universe. Reps for the Mission: Impossible star shot the speculation down hard but it turns out that it was in the works after all. This week it was reported that Cruise and Kingsman baddie Sofia Boutella have officially signed on to the film. While this news is undoubtedly promising for the franchise, with it also came the news that the first film of the relaunch will be released almost three months later than expected. The Mummy will now hit theaters on June 9, 2017 with Alex Kurtzman directing from a script by Jon Spaihts, also credited on Marvel’s Doctor Strange and Ridley Scott’s Prometheus.

I’m of the mind that this is very promising for the entire scope of the Universal monster project. Cruise has been signing up for imaginative and exciting action movies as of late from Edge of Tomorrow to MI:5, which was my favorite action movie of last summer. He certainly doesn’t need to be a part of another franchise so the choice to sign onto this one I think inspires confidence.

What are your thoughts on the decision? Are you excited for The Mummy now that the mega-star is on board? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

HT: Variety


Featured Image Credit: DeviantArtist yojomo

Clarke Wolfe writes Horror Happenings for Nerdist every Sunday. You can follow her on Twitter @clarkewolfe.

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