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Honest Trailers: GAME OF THRONES is a Boob & Dragon-Filled Medieval Encyclopedia

Listen, we all love Game of Thrones, right? Of course we do — it’s the most epic, batshit insane, and delightfully twisted series from “the world’s most notorious serial killer, George R.R. Martin.” That last bit is real talk from the folks over at Screen Junkies, who’ve (finally!) created not one, but TWO honest trailers for the HBO series: one spoiler-filled, the other spoiler-free. Because I’ll be damned if this show isn’t the most spoiler-filled and easily-spoiled series ever put on television. (I mean, seriously: those books are a million years long, approximately.)

Whichever flavor you pick, the accuracy with which they describe the show is more on-point than Oberyn Martell’s trusty spear (which you’ll meet in the upcoming fourth season — and feel free to take that phrasing any way you like, ya perverts). But don’t just take our word for it, get imp-slapped with the silly truth yourself. Just don’t [REDACTED] like [REDACTED] when [REDACTED] gets [REDACTED]. (Sorry — just trying to keep things as spoiler-free as possible. Seven hells is that difficult to do.)

Spoiler-Free Honest Trailer:

Totally Spoilerific Honest Trailer:

What’d you think of their take on GoT? Let us know in the comments — just don’t be a total Varys about it.

P.S. if you’re reading this, join our fantasy fantasy league!

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  1. Drifter says:

    R+L=J Hilarious!

  2. Jerry M says:

    Yes!! Well maybe yes…I…the fat guy with the beard.Is he? No it’s the other dude …Oh…I dunno…I love the show and short people and girls with boobies and dragons!!!

  3. Dormaine G says:

    I watched the one without the spoilers and could not stop laughing. I cannot wait for another spectacular season!

  4. omg i laughed so hard that guy is amazing narrator epic video

  5. Raven Dane says:

    Brilliant…had me laughing out loud especially the Sean Bean bit! Love the series, love the books and love the Honest Trailers…

  6. Randy S. says:

    Spot on…except the names…real nerds a) read the books, and b) watch the episodes repeatedly to memorize the names, plots, and organize the family trees.

  7. Tamagura says:

    Really AWESOME! Cannot wait until April 6th,
    Winter is coming!

  8. Deb says:

    I’ve read ALL the books AND Game of Thrones is my favorite show on TV! I love, love, love it! Can’t wait for Season 4 to begin!

  9. Kelly says:

    I really loved the Sean-Bean-Part! 🙂

  10. cmblake6 says:

    Love that show!