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This weekend, Matt Damon‘s Jason Bourne is once again kicking a lot of ass at the box office on his way to the number one slot. It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost ten years since The Bourne Ultimatum gave the title character some closure…at least until the inevitable sequel.

To mark the return of Bourne, Honest Trailers has targeted The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and The Bourne Ultimatum for perhaps the ultimate movie sin: recycled plot and character beats across three movies! The villains of the Bourne films were also largely interchangeable. They had less personality than Mr. Amnesia Super-assassin himself! But is that really a problem if the audience loved it? The action was almost always top notch in every movie. Even the HT team acknowledges that the trilogy had a highly successful formula. It also seems to be working again with the fifth film.

A more ripe target for ridicule is the infamous shaky cam of director Paul Greengrass. Those touches added to the realistic feel of the Bourne movies, but also made some of the fight scenes very hard to follow. The example shown in this video was particularly disorienting.

Amusingly, the HT team almost completely ignores the Jeremy Renner led movie, The Bourne Legacy. That’s fair, since the newest film in the series also seems to ignore it. Sorry, Renner!

What did you think about the Honest Trailers take on the Bourne trilogy? Unleash your close combat moves in the comment section below!

Image: Universal Pictures

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