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The Honest Trailer Guys Finally Take on THE FORCE AWAKENS

“From the company that owns everything you know and love, and Diet Spielberg, comes a movie that had to satisfy decades of pent up nerd expectations, make up for the prequels, introduce the franchise to a new generation of fans, make enough money to justify Disney‘s four billion dollar investment, and, also, you know, be good, so no pressure, comes Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

And with the release of the film today on Blu-ray that means we also get an Honest Trailer from the Screen Junkies.

Considering the many similarities between J.J. Abrams‘ film and A New Hope, the voiceover guy was joined by the original Honest Trailers’ voice, who was less impressed with the latest installment in the series. Especially the supremely and multi-talented Rey, who he said was “so good at everything it makes her completely un-compelling.” [Editor’s note/PSA: Rey is NOT A MARY SUE.]

Oh geez here we go.

The breakdown of all the connections between The Force Awakens and the original Star Wars are concisely laid out here, and, yeah, they are not subtle. But hey, Finn is a totally new character. And Captain Phasma was cool….for all 91 seconds she was on screen.

Oh, and Lost fans, maybe don’t stick around for the unanswered questions segment.

What did the two voiceovers agree on though?

  1. Kylo Ren stopping a blaster bolt.
  2. Flying through a crash Star Destroyer.
  3. Poe Dameron‘s beautiful face.
  4. Admiral Ackbar.

That’s a good list!

Starring: Lei AARP, MaRey Sue, Better Anakin, FN 2187 (Hey That’s my Pin Number), Han Poelo, Emperor Voldemort, R2-D2-2, Han Solong, A Waste of a Perfectly Good The Raid Cast, The Easiest Money Mark Hamill Ever Made, and Butthole Eyes, it’s Star Wars: A Familiar Hope.

What’s the best honest moment from this trailer? I vote for Rey being so poor she had to make her own Star Wars figures. Tell us yours in the comments below.

Image: Lucasfilm

And before you go, check out what’s already underway in Episode VIII:

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