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Homer’s THE ODYSSEY Told in LEGO Bricks

Sing to me of the group, Muse, the group of twists and turns who came together to build a LEGO interpretation of Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey. Appropriately, the brick form of the classic is also epic. The masterpiece was crafted by VirtuaLUG, an online LEGO user group that works together on massive projects. Brickworld is their primary event where they meet and show off their latest undertaking. In the past, they’ve recreated stories from Lord of the Rings and Wizard of Oz, so they’re used to going big.

I am often floored by intricate LEGO builds, but the detail in this one made my jaw drop. I only read The Odyssey for the first time a few years ago so the story is still fresh in my mind, and this LEGO intrepretation has it all. The Greek Fleet, Island of Aeolus with a working water fountain, the Hall of Hades, Circe’s Island (which traveled all the way from New Zealand to Brickworld in Chicago), Cerberus, Sirens – I could keep going for paragraphs.


One of many incredible aspects about VirtuaLUG’s project is that different members were responsible for different portions of the of the diorama. They worked separately and brought it all together to create the 300 square foot display. Unsurprisingly, they won Brickworld’s top prize. Builders on the project numbered over 20 with each person contributing islands, sections, and designs.

I’d consider going on an odyssey through these bricks; what say you?

HT: The Brothers Brick, photos by Dave Kaleta

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  1. Check out our video of the LEGO Odyssey!