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HomeGeekonomics: A WALKING DEAD Christmas

Home Geekonomics is a series that features the best in geeky home decor, food and DIY. Each week will focus on a specific fandom and highlight the best of geek for your home and everyday life.

home geekonomicsWe’re all still reeling from Walking Dead’s midseason finale, how are we to make it through the holidays without our weekly fix from Rick and company, not to mention our fearless leader Nerdist’s follow up show, Talking Dead?

To quell our overwhelming emotions there’s only one thing to do, decorate for a Walking Dead Christmas. While some of these things are sure to give Santa a fright, as long as your chimney isn’t boarded up with a sign that says “Dead Inside” you should be able to survive the zompacalypse aka Christmas with your relatives.

Walking Dead Christmas Lego by YBR DesignsRick Grimes Christmas Lego by YBRDesigns
Everything’s more adorable in Lego, even a holiday zombie attack. As long as a Terminus trough scene in Lego doesn’t exist, we’ll all sleep fine this holiday season.

Walking Dead Glenn cookies by BettaBakeryGlenn Rhee Cookies by BettaBakery
When Santa arrives on Christmas Eve these are just the cookies he’ll be relieved to see. A Glenn Rhee cookie is the ideal for sustaining you whether you’re enduring the zpoc or late night gift wrapping.

Walking Dead Christmas stocking by PiddlinAroundWalking Dead Christmas Stocking by PiddlinAround
Hopefully your stocking isn’t filled with coal or zombie brains. This Walking Dead stocking is festive (really?) for decorating your safe-zone this holiday season.

Walking Dead Daryl Christmas CardDaryl Dixon Christmas Cards by DeeplyDapper
A Daryl Dixon Christmas card conveys all your holiday wishes this Christmas. Good luck explaining this card to Grandma.

Walking Dead Christmas shirt by FishBiscuitDesignsWalking Dead Christmas Shirt by FishBiscuitDesigns
When it comes to Santa’s most trusted helpers this season, the one with the crossbow is the best bet.

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  1. Marj Salum says:

    This might be the perfect Christmas gift