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Home Sweet Home: A Few of Our Favorite Nerdy Gingerbread Creations

‘Tis the season for holiday shopping, vacation vegging out, and seasonal baked goods, and there is no baked that gets us in the holiday spirit like gingerbread. Gingerbread also affords budding architects and designers the chance to show off their skills in the kitchen with creative, festive, and, yes, nerdy gingerbread creations.

Our esteemed food writer Jenn Fujikawa recently whipped up a gingerbread Borg cube ornament to make during the holidays and we fell head over heels. We were so inspired, in fact, that we took to (what else?) social media to see what culinary tricks you guys had up your sleeves! Using the hashtag #NerdistGingerbread, so many of you submitted gingerbread men, women, children, and houses modeled after some of our favorite things: Breaking Bad, Guardians of the Galaxy, Dr. Horrible, Star Wars, and more!

Here’s just a handful of some of our favorites. (Make sure you check the hashtag for even more awesome submissions.) NOM!

#DoctorWho gingerbread men. #NerdistGingerbread A photo posted by Ivana Velíšková (@ivanaveliskova) on

#NerdistGingerbread @nerdist

A photo posted by @jsafay on

Avengers assemble!!! #nerdistgingerbread

A photo posted by Kimberly Houston (@khouston86) on

Have some nerdy sweets to share? Tag us on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #NerdistGingerbread and let us know what you’re baking!

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