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Home Geekonomics: Take the Black Friday

Home Geekonomics is a series that features the best in geeky home decor, food and DIY. Each week will focus on a specific fandom and highlight the best of geek for your home and everyday life.

home geekonomicsLeaving your family. The cold. The darkness. To stand guard against a wall.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post…”

“…My post” meaning, standing in line overnight at Best Buy or Target to buy a cheap laptop. Ah yes, the Thanksgiving tradition of skipping a hearty family meal to instead pile into the car, and stand in front of a big box store. To commemorate this hallowed day, here are the best products of the Night’s Watch from Game of Thrones. We give you: Take the Black Friday.

Jon Snow Pillow by SavousepateJon Snow Pillow by Savousepate
It isn’t an easy job holding the wall. At the end of a long day you just want to sit back and rest your head on a stylish Jon Snow crow pillow. Until the White Walkers show up. Then it’s back to work.

Jon Snow Cookie by Jesika RoseJon Snow Cookies by Jesika Rose
Cookies are much more adorable when they feature the bastard son of Lord Eddard Stark.

Nights Watch Bakery Apron by ThePineapplePressThe Night’s Watch Bakery Apron by ThePineapplePress
Speaking of baking… if The Bastard of Winterfell decided to open a bake shop, “You Know Muffins, Jon Snow” is a pretty good tagline to get people through the door.

Weirwood Cauliflower by Cindy WhiteWeirwood Cauliflower Trees by Cindy White
Weirdwood trees made into cauliflower steaks? The vegans of Westeros, rejoice!

Nights Watch Painted Jacket by CateaclysmicNight’s Watch Painted Jacket by Cateaclysmic
A beautiful homage to House Stark painted on the back of a warm jacket perfect for…winter. It’s coming you know.

All men must die… and covet Game of Thrones home decor! What are you hoping to put in your castle? Let us know in the comments below.

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  1. Amy Zam @thepineapplepress says:

    Hey that’s my apron! Awesome! Thanks for the feature 🙂