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Home Geekonomics: ORPHAN BLACK

Home Geekonomics is a series that features the best in geeky home decor, food and DIY. Each week will focus on a specific fandom and highlight the best of geek for your home and everyday life.
home geekonomics

Gather up the sestrahood because Orphan Black is finally back for a new season. If you’re a devoted member of the Clone Club you definitely need to decorate your home with the latest from the Dyad Institute. Oh, and if you like cats as much as clones we’ve got you covered for that, too.

Clone Club by roaringsoftly -04132015

Clone Club print by roaringsoftly
While each clone’s base may be the same, this print shows the subtle differences in appearance. This minimalist print captures all the essences of each individual sestra.

Orphan Cat by Kitty Cassandra-04132015

Orphan Cat print by Kitty Cassandra
Think that last item could have done with a little more cat? Your wish is my command. Artist Kitty Cassandra draws each character as their feline counterpart in this print for lovers of cats and clones.

Brother Sestra Thing 1 shirt-04132015

Sestra Thing 1 & Thing 2 shirts via Red Bubble
Hot Topic may have just released their Orphan Black collection, but these shirts are a necessary addition for when your clone party heads to a theme park.

Dyad Institute by TiffanyRose on Society6-04132015

Dyad Institute bag by Tiffany Rose
Show off your devotion to research for the advancement of biotechnology with this Dyad institute tote, plus is makes a pretty sweet Con bag.


Orphan Black donuts
“These I like.” Someone has assigned corresponding donuts to each character but let’s be honest, why isn’t Helena’s one a powdered donut?

Helen donuts


The Science of

The Science of "Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board"

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

What Color Is That Dress!?

What Color Is That Dress!?
