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Home Geekonomics: Halloween Party Decor

Home Geekonomics is a series that features the best in geeky home decor, food and DIY. Each week will focus on a specific fandom and highlight the best of geek for your home and everyday life.

home geekonomics

Halloween is less than a week away, so it’s time to move into the final planning stages of your over-the-top Nerdoween party!

You may have the food and costumes down, but with just a few extra touches you’ll have the most spooktacular soiree on the block.

cauldrons-serving 10182015
Large Serving Cauldron via Crate and Barrel
This serving cauldron is 100% stoneware and food safe, making it great for an edible witch’s brew. You can also add individual soup size cauldrons for the full effect.

Fang Napkin Rings-10182015
Fang Napkin Rings by Food Network
An elegant yet creepy place setting for when you’re not sure if you’re eating or the one being eaten.

DIY spooky candlesticks by Flamingo Toes
These DIY candlesticks have a great vintage creep factor and will fit perfectly with your ghoulish Hallo’s Eve decor.

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Michael Myers window cling by Island Custom Design
This just straight up scares me.

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Creepy Floating Hands by Gustavo Sanabria
If you’re looking for an innovative way to up the creep factor for your outdoor shindig, latex gloves filled with light sticks is a freakish way to welcome party guests.

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SPONGEBOB’s New Halloween Song is a Spooky Stop Motion Jam (Exclusive)

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Interview: They Call Him Baba Booey, but We Call Gary Dell’Abate Our Newest Host

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CBS Adds Gene Roddenberry's Son to New STAR TREK Show
