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Home Geekonomics: DOCTOR WHO Holidays

Home Geekonomics is a series that features the best in geeky home decor, food and DIY. Each week will focus on a specific fandom and highlight the best of geek for your home and everyday life.

home geekonomics

If we had to pick a favorite holiday tradition, it would be bundling up, sipping cocoa… and gathering together by the warm light of the television to watch the Doctor Who Christmas Special on Christmas Day.

You never know what a holiday special is going to bring: ghosts of Christmas past, a regeneration, new companion? Whatever happens, these festive Doctor Who decorations will help get you in the wibbly wobbly, timey wimey spirit. Allons-y, to Christmas!

Doctor Who Ood Stocking by Shop316Ood Stocking by Shop316
Listen. Is that Jingle Bells? Nope, it’s a felted Ood Christmas stocking and he’ll telepathically let you know if you’ve been naughty or nice.

Doctor Who Christmas Sack by foxyNfoxyTARDIS Christmas Sack by foxyNfoxy
This cute bag can be personalized with your name so Santa knows just where to put all your presents. If you’ve been particularly good this year, lucky for you: it’s bigger on the inside.

Vegan Gingerbread Daleks by Easy VeganVegan Gingerbread Dalek Cookies by Easy Vegan
Perhaps the scariest thing to a carnivore would be a Vegan Dalek. These vegan gingerbread cookies are a sweet way to exterminate animal products.

Tardis Snow Globe by Geek With CurvesDIY Tardis Snowglobe by Geek With Curves
Nerdist’s own Amy Ratcliffe shows us how to make our Christmas a little more Whovian with this DIY craft project. Geronimo!

Whovian Holiday Sweater Cards by Unicorn Empire PrintsWhovian Holiday Sweater Cards by Unicorn Empire Prints
There’s no such thing as an ugly Christmas print when it’s Doctor themed! Little fezs and Tardis will dance in your head with these adorable holiday cards.

What Who items are you decorating with this year? Let us know in the comments below!

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)



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  1. Jacqui Defriece says:

    We have a whovian tree with a tardis topper… Complete with three tardis 1 sonic 1 dalek  and a weeping angel