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Home Geekonomics: Back To School Backpacks

Home Geekonomics: Back To School Backpacks

Home Geekonomics is a series that features the best in geeky home decor, food, and DIY. Each week will focus on a specific fandom and highlight the best of geek for your home and everyday life.

home geekonomics

August: the month where most kids head back to school. After a long summer of fun and freedom, why not make going back a little more entertaining by picking up a tricked out backpack to haul your gear? Choosing wisely can be a tough choice with so many good TV shows, movies, and video games out there—and in almost every fandom imaginable, there are packs to be had.

Whichever favorite fandoms you or your kids choose, know that they’ll be fashionable and back in the swing of things in no time.

Star Wars Rebel Backpack from Spencers
This is a rebellion isn’t it? You’d better pack accordingly. This cool Star Wars backpack is X-wing pilot orange and even better? It comes with a hood for those rainy days on Endor! Nothing like a little light cosplay to make school days a little brighter.

Pokémon Pikachu Backpack from Hot Topic
This summer everyone was playing Pokémon Go so you have to roll up to school looking your very best, like no one ever was. This Pikachu canvas rucksack has room for water bottles, a laptop, and as many Pokéballs as you can fit.

Wonder Woman Backpack from Entertainment Earth
We’re seriously loving the look of this stylish Wonder Woman backpack. From the rich colors to the cool golden lasso detailing, it’s a cool way to show off your inner Amazonian. With the much anticipated movie on the way, you’ll be ahead of the game in style. You can even keep the keys to your invisible jet in the front pocket.

Legend of Zelda Shadowlink Backpack from Spencers
When it comes to hauling goods there’s nothing better than multiple water bottle pockets and zippers, zippers and more zippers. This tactical pack makes it easy to carry all your back to school essentials. Make sure you check out how good it looks in the Dark Mirror.

Adventure Time Jake Backpack from Cartoon Network
Backpacks with added accessories are the hottest trend, and a bag that doubles as cosplay makes it even better. This cool Adventure Time backpack is big enough for trekking through the Land of Ooo and even comes with a fun detachable Jake mask sure to make everyday Mathematical!

Which are your favorites? Let us know in the comments below!

Images: Spencers, Hot Topic, Entertainment Earth, Cartoon Network


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