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Holy Hell.

Muppets With People Eyes, courtesy of WONDER-TONIC:

I have no words.

For more WONDER-TONIC goodness, be sure to check out Mike Lacher’s other programs and memes, like the Michael Bayifier or the popular Michael Buble Being Stalked by a Velociraptor.

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

Spooky Science: The Ghost Frequency

Spooky Science: The Ghost Frequency

The Funniest, Silliest Courtroom Scenes from Film and Television

The Funniest, Silliest Courtroom Scenes from Film and Television



  1. Double R says:

    I clicked on the link. Statler, Waldorf, Scooter and Fozzie look OK, but when I saw Miss Piggy I thought she needed eyeliner and Gonzo… *shudder*

    Anyone would be reaching for the pepper spray.

  2. Double R says:

    That makes Big Bird look like The Angriest Bird of Them All. #andthenIcrappedmypants

  3. tuffhippy says:

    Muppets with rape-y eyes. Thanks for screwing up my childhood memories…

  4. Eric C says:

    The horror. The horror.

  5. JD says:


  6. Jesse says:

    Thank God. I was worried I wouldn’t have enough fodder for my nightmares for the next six months.