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Holiday Gift Guide 2016: The Movie Maven

Holiday Gift Guide 2016: The Movie Maven

The holidays are a glorious time to catch up on things, be it laundry or books or old-timey quill pen correspondence. Or you can do like I do and spend just about the entire break watching Blu-rays and fiddling with the movie memorabilia you got for whatever present-oriented December holiday you celebrate. (Even if that’s just National Buy Yourself a Lot of Stuff Day, it still counts!) But what should you look for? What movie and movie-related ephemera should you wish to have grace your shelves this year? Calm down, my little cineastes, for we have got you covered with our annual Holiday Gift Guide – Movie Edition.

You could spend days, possibly the entirety of your whole break, watching the films and box sets we’ll talk about in the gallery below. And who could blame you if you did? There are definitely worse ways to wile away the hours. Wrap a blanket around your shoulders, pour a hot cuppa, and watch some science fiction, horror, action, and fantasy films until the calendar tells you it’s time to go back to work. (That is precisely what I will be doing.) Your TV might overheat, but at least you’ll be better for it.

All this week, check Nerdist for more of our 2016 Holiday Gift Guides—we’re coving the realms of games, comics, TV, and more—and be sure to keep an eye open for the holiday gift giveaway, which you can enter to win a bundle of things from this and other guides. Now that is a jolly holiday!

Featured Image: Disney

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor for Nerdist. You can find his film and TV reviews here. Follow him on Twitter!


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