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Hogwarts Would Be Pricey If It Weren’t Free According to JK Rowling

While I’m still hoping that an owl will someday show up at my residence clutching a sheaf of papers that grant me admittance to Hogwarts in its beak, I’m also a realist and know that only British witches and wizards get to go to the famous school of magic. That realist attitude also made me completely fascinated when the brilliant minds over at published a whole breakdown of all the costs for 1 year at Hogwarts earlier this week.

HogwartsTuition_Supplies_07182015Image via

And this breakdown?

It’s not even the tuition cost. It’s just supplies! Here’s tuition:

HogwartsTuition_Breakdown_07182015Image via

I’d need to rob a bank guarded by dragons to afford this kind of education, personally. But before any young magic casters get too sad, there’s a light at the bottom of the bag of gold. The internet was so interested in this cost breakdown for Hogwarts that some people started tweeting at J.K. Rowling herself to see if was right. They had based all their calculations on the books, information provided by Rowling’s Pottermore school preparation lists and prices, and some research on the British education system and its costs. They weren’t necessarily wrong about the overall price once it was converted to American dollars; they just weren’t aware of the generosity of spirit that Rowling had written into her mind-palace of the Hogwarts world. Here are the tweets for proof:

Can you imagine an education system that not only let you bring pets to school but also didn’t cost you or your parents anything? It would be absolutely amazing! I think I’m hoping for that owl arrival even more now that I know this little bit of information.


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