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Here’s The New Trailer For THE WOLF AMONG US: Episode 3

The newest trailer for The Wolf Among Us has graced us with its presence today and my blood is already boiling to get my hands on it. This thing is oozing with spoilers, so beware if you haven’t played the preceding episodes.

No release date has been announced for the episode three yet, though we can suspect that it’ll surface sometime this month thanks to the timing of today’s trailer. Or, it could be just be an April Fools joke to tug at our heart-strings and not be coming out for another year, the cruelest of jokes ever imagined….
John Pinette, 1964-2014

John Pinette, 1964-2014

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Why Jaime Lannister Sunk So Deep and His Chances of Surviving

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  1. Christopher says:

    I am so excited by this game. Couldn’t believe how long it was between ep 1 and 2. Hoping they start coming out faster