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GAME OF THRONES Gives Us Our First Look at ‘The Winds of Winter’

Hello, fair citizens of the Realm! It’s that time of year again—the most wonderful of them all—Game of Thrones season. And, in addition to winter: spoilers are coming! Don’t read on if you don’t want a visual look at what’s about to go down in the season six finale, “The Winds of Winter.”

Sound the Horn of Joramun, y’all, because winter is here! Or, in the very least, the winds of it are nipping at our noses (and the bodies of the undead) as Game of Thrones‘ blisteringly good season six comes to a close. How are we supposed to go on, knowing that we’ll have to wait a year for more of the deadly dealings of Westeros? Life truly is very hard and difficult, but hey: we have these photos from “The Winds of Winter” to make things feel a little bit easier as life between seasons goes on.

Please note: there may be minor, speculatory book spoilers in here—but we promise it’s nothing major!

Judging by these images (in the gallery below)—and the general insanity we’ve come to expect from a season finale from the HBO series—there’s a lot they’re not telling us about what’s to come. Why are Jaime and Walder Frey meeting? In the books, their discussions happen before the battle to take down the Blackfish, before the Frey team meets up with the Boltons at Winterfell. So with that battle also out of the picture, what remains for the Frey/Lannister alliance? And just where are Jaime and Bronn heading off to with a bunch of soldiers like that—back to King’s Landing?

If he does get to King’s Landing, based on these images, he’s not going to be pleased. Without an image of Cersei in the mix, we’re forced to contend that some major shit is going to go down with our new Mad Queen in the finale (take wildfire to King’s Landing and burn it to the ground HYYYYPE). We do get a brief look at Ser Loras, who’s looking mighty worse for wear (which definitely means he’s going to die this season. And we’re not just saying that because he’s starring as the Iron Fist for Netflix).

Elsewhere, the images show us the briefest of glimpses at Dany and Tyrion seemingly strategizing—making a plan to return to Westeros?—and Ser Davos looking hellbent on murdering the shit out of Melisandre for burning up Shireen. Gulp. Of course our biggest question remains: what about Arya though?!

Well, we should say second biggest question after this one:

What do you think of the new images? Let us know in the comments below!

Images: HBO

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor, creator/co-host of Fangirling, and resident Khaleesi of House Nerdist. Find her on Twitter but only if you really want to because I’m not your boss.


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